
Recent News

Prichard Young Wins Appeal in Ranch Dispute

The San Antonio Court of Appeals affirmed summary judgment for the owner of a 3000+ acre ranch in Val Verde County, Texas worth millions because it includes frontage to the Devil’s River and “Baker’s Crossing.” Kevin Young represented Shepard Baker, [...]

April 30th, 2019|

Fifth Circuit Affirms Directed Verdict

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit affirmed a directed verdict that Prichard Young obtained on behalf of Grove Cranes. Kevin Young and Daniel Gonzáles Aldape defended the manufacturer in a product liability case tried in Houston [...]

September 11th, 2018|

Summary Judgment Affirmed

David Montpas was part of the appellate team that successfully persuaded the San Antonio Court of Appeals to affirm a summary judgment in favor of an all terrain vehicle (ATV) manufacturer in a wrongful death case filed in Maverick County, [...]

July 6th, 2017|